Advanced Crochet Skills | Artisan Crochet Designs
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Advanced Crochet Skills

Rewarding Results

Looking to really push your creative crochet skills? Why not try some advanced crochet skills such as Filet Crochet, Tunisian Crochet, Broomstick Lace and Hairpin Lace Crochet. Contact us today to get more information.

Tunisian Crochet Workshop

Are you looking to expand your crochet skills and try something new? Then the Tunisian crochet workshop is perfect for you!


Broomstick Lace Crochet Workshop

Are you tired of making the same old crochet patterns? Ready to learn a new technique that will take your skills to the next level? Look no further than our Broomstick Lace Crochet Workshop!

Hairpin Lace Crochet Masterclass

Are you ready to take your crochet skills to the next level? Join our Hairpin Lace Crochet Workshop and learn how to create stunning and unique pieces using this intricate and beautiful technique.

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Interested in attending a workshop? Click the link below to go the Crochet Workshop Schedule page

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